Unlock business excellence

Unlock business excellence

It’s no secret that maintaining employees’ motivation is vital to business success!

With almost 80% of employees reporting they are extremely interested in participating in upskilling programs, chances are your employees fall into this group. So, we asked, why are 57% of workers taking upskilling into their own hands? Most corporate learning programs are missing the mark because they lack the necessary element of engagement and hence, the team’s enthusiasm is low.

It’s time to step up the motivation flow! We're igniting that spark and getting employees back on track with engaging e-learning solutions. FlexLearn Engaged learning is the key to unlocking benefits for your employees.

What are the business benefits of engaging E-learning courses?

    • Cost effective training solutions: Traditional in-person training can be expensive, requiring resources for venue bookings, travel, printed materials, and more. Engaging e-learning minimises these costs significantly, with one-time development expenses and the freedom to train large groups simultaneously.
    • Flexibility: Employees can access training materials from anywhere, at any time, and on a variety of devices. This flexibility is particularly valuable in a world where remote and flexible work arrangements have become the norm.
    • Improved Learning Retention: Engaged e-learning combines multimedia elements, gamification, and interactive modules creating immersive learning experiences. This approach enhances information retention by catering to different learning styles.
    • Consistency in training: Engaged e-learning ensures that every employee receives the same high-quality training, reducing the risk of discrepancies.
    • Tracking and Assessment: E-learning platforms often come equipped with robust tracking and assessment tools. These tools allow employers to monitor employees' progress, identify areas where additional training is needed, and measure the effectiveness of training programs. 
    • Adaptability to Industry changes: In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, industries are subject to frequent changes, whether in regulations, technologies, or best practices. Engaged e-learning allows organisations to swiftly adapt to these changes by updating and deploying new training modules as needed. 
    • Increased employee engagement: Gamified elements, interactive scenarios, and quizzes make learning enjoyable and motivate employees to engage with the content. 

Unleash the Power of Engaged E-Learning: FlexLearn Business Solutions

Struggling to keep your employees engaged in traditional training? At FlexLearn Business Solutions, we transform dry theory into dynamic experiences that motivate, educate, and empower your workforce.

We specialize in crafting e-learning content for adults using a unique blend of methodologies:

  • Interactive Theory Presentations: Ditch the static slides! Our interactive presentations combine voice-over narration with compelling visuals, images, videos, quizzes and games to keep learners engaged. Each time the learner completes a goal, he earns a reward.
  • Real-World Application: Case studies, scenario-based assessments and psychometric analysis bring theory to life, allowing learners to apply their newfound knowledge to real-world situations.
  • The Power of Play: Gamification incorporates game mechanics like points, badges, and progress bars to make learning fun and boost engagement. Our serious games are interactive simulations that allow learners to practice skills and achieve learning objectives in a simulated environment.
  • Tailored Solutions: We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. FlexLearn can transform your existing learning material into captivating e-learning courses. No prior experience necessary!
  • Hit the Ground Running: Need training fast? We offer a library of ready-made e-learning courses on a variety of business topics.

The FlexLearn Difference

  • Focus on Adult Learning: We understand how adults learn best. Our courses are designed to be concise, interactive, and applicable to real-world scenarios.
  • Expert Development: Our team of instructional designers and e-learning specialists create high-quality content using industry-leading tools like Articulate and Captivate.

Ready to take your training to the next level?
Contact us if you want to learn more by clicking here.